Saturday 7 January 2012

I'm an eCollegeFinder Top Writing Blogs Award Nominee! Here is my advice to students aiming to improve their writing acumen.

I'm an eCollegeFinder Top Writing Blogs Award Nominee, and as part of the awards process I am encouraged to write a blog giving my advice to students aiming to improve their writing acumen. So here goes!

Firstly, I would advise you to Read, Read, Read as much and as widely as you can.
Reading is fuel for your thoughts and fuel for your writing. Try different genres. You might be pleasantly surprised that you like them and they may give you fresh ideas: e.g. if you like science fiction, try an historical novel, then write a sci fi story set in the past!

Secondly, Keep a Notebook handy and jot down any interesting events or conversations; you'll never remember them otherwise!
Keep a variety of notebooks in various places, e.g. in different rooms or bags that you use. Or at least, write a journal when you travel to somewhere new. You don't know when it might come in useful to set a scene.

Thirdly, Write, Write, Write! Keep exercising your 'writing muscle'! Like other muscles, if you don't use it, you lose it!
Writing is, of course, what it is all about. If you can't organize a regular time for it every day, try to write whenever you can. A special 'writing day' is a good idea. Set aside a whole day for yourself and your writing. Don't turn on your phone and don't peek at Facebook or Twitter! Plan easy to prepare nourishing snacks and go for it! It's surprising what you can achieve. Maybe it won't be perfect at first, but you'll have some thing to work on next time.

So there you have it! Read, Keep a Notebook and Write!
Good Luck!


  1. Excellent advice!

    I used to write much higher word counts before I had an internet connection in the shed. Maybe it's time to regulate the amount of time I spend on Twitter etc.

  2. Thanks Debs! Good Luck with your word count!
